Friday, 8 June 2012

Week 17..... resistance to change.....

This weeks tasks have been very much reading based tasks, but all centred around the issues of introducing new technologies into HEI's.

This looked at issues around student engagement, and issues with the technology, as well the changes to the courses and learning environment.

Many of texts we were set to read seemed very negative about the use of technology in HEI, and in many ways I felt that they were almost trying to preserve the 'old way of doing things' and the traditional stand at the frotn and lecture style of learning.

I felt that this video sums thinsg up very well.

Saturday, 2 June 2012

H800 - Block 2 Review

As part of the review process of H800 Block 2, we had to run an Elluminate session, to discuss how we felt the block was assessed and how the block was run. Here are the notes from the session, i took part in :-

These are all a bit mixed up as i ended up making notes on a bit of paper, as it was easier than making notes on Elluminate....
- Three questions asking the same thing (about different tasks) was a bit too much and more variety would have been good
- Powerpoint task was liked, as it was different (see above) and less words !
- We should have done the Wiki task sooner, and could have set-up a H800 tutor group wiki, which we all contributed to.
- 500 Words to feedback on all 3 tasks was too little, should been a focus on one of the tasks
- Feedback on Block 2 : Too much reading some weeks, which lead to little time to actually digest ideas....
- We then had a more generic discussion on the following areas; Mobile Learning, IPads & Apps, the Raspberry Pi computer, e-moderation of wiki's, Blogs (how to use & write them), TMA03 and what the EMA is.