Monday 28 May 2012

TMA 02

Well its finished !

Thank god, its done, at one point on Saturday evening I wasn't sure what was worse having another 1000 words to go, or the Eurovision contest on the telly.....

Please can someone remind to start the TMA process sooner rather than the usual last minute panic.

Anyway on to this week, thankfully it is quite a light week and I am looking forward to gettign started on Block 3 especially the part(s) about the use of Twitter.


  1. This made me smile! Despite reminding myself lots of times to start TMA02 earlier (after each relevent activity would have been a good idea) I still cut it fine. Feel a bit lost now in fact... Might start TMA03...

  2. Hi Matt,

    Definitely Eurovision is worse, though not by much. Like most of us, I always intend to finish the TMA with plenty of time to spare-but life always gets in the way :)

    Best Wishes


  3. Glad its not just me then :)
